Новости » Товары » 2 Евро монетa 2015 Португалия – Португальский Тимор

2 Евро монетa 2015 Португалия – Португальский Тимор


2 евро монетa
Диаметр, мм – 25.75mm
Масса общая, г – 8.5gr
Тираж, шт. 500 000
Дата выпуска: 2015


Feature: 500 years of the first contacts with Timor, nowadays an independent Portuguese speaking country (Timor Lorosae)
Description: The design depicts a XVI Century ship, representing the arrival of the Portuguese navigators to the island, and a local house thatched roof top, including the typical wood sculptures, permanent memories of myths and legends. The one depicted on the coin represents the history of the first inhabitants, who arrived by boat from other parts of the Asian continent and the importance of the horse to travel around the steep mountains which cover most of the island. At the top right, the year ‘1515’ and the name of the issuing country ‘PORTUGAL’. At the bottom left, the inscription ‘TIMOR’ and the year ‘2015’. At the bottom, the signature of the artist Fernando Fonseca. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.