2 Евро монет 5 рулон 2017 Германия – Porta Nigra / Черные ворота — монетного двора A-J
2 евро ролл x25 монет монетного двора A-J
Диаметр, мм – 25.75mm
Масса общая, г – 8.5gr
Тираж, шт. 30 000 000
The German government has decided to issue the next €2 commemorative coin in its “Federal States” series, this time dedicated to the German federal state of “Rhineland-Palatinate” (motif: Porta Nigra).
The “Federal States” series, which was launched back in 2006, consists of a total of 16 coins, each of which portraying a well-known landmark or building characteristic of the respective federal state. The national side was designed by artist Frantisek Chochola of Hamburg and portrays the Porta Nigra as seen from the outside. The common European side of the coins (reverse side) and the technical parameters are the same as on any regular issue €2 coin. As on current German €2 commemorative coins, the inscription “EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT” (unity, justice and freedom) is embossed on the coin edge, together with a stylised Federal eagle. The envisaged minting volume for each circulating coin in this series is 30 million. The coins are legal tender throughout the euro area.
So far, 11 coins have been issued in this series, which is intended to communicate a clearer idea of Germany’s federal structure to a European general public (2006: Schleswig-Holstein; 2007: Mecklenburg-West Pomerania; 2008: Hamburg; 2009: Saarland; 2010: Bremen; 2011: North Rhine-Westphalia; 2012: Bavaria; 2013: Baden-Württemberg; 2014: Lower Saxony; 2015: Hesse; 2016: Saxony).