2 Евро монетa 2019 Люксембург — великая княгиня Шарлотта
2 евро монетa
Диаметр, мм – 25.75mm
Масса общая, г – 8.5gr
Тираж, шт. 300 000
Obverse: The obverse of the coin depicting the image of Duke Henry and, on the right, Duke Charlotte. Under them, the name of the country “LUXEMBOURG” and the year of mintage “2019” is underlined. The text “Centenaire de l’accession au trône de Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (Grand Duchy of Charlotte, 100th Anniversary of the Grand Duchy of Charlotte)” is hatched at the top.
The coin is dedicated to be mention the 100th anniversary of the Grand Duchy of Charlotte.