Naujienos » Produktai » 2 eurų rulonas 2015 Latvija – Latvijos Pirmininkavimas ES

2 eurų rulonas 2015 Latvija – Latvijos Pirmininkavimas ES

2 eurų monetos UNC 25 vienetai originalus rulonas.
Skersmuo – 25.75mm
Svoris – 8.5gr
Tiražas: 1 000 000 vienetų


Common side
A geographical image of Europe, the number „2“ and the inscription EURO.

National side
An archetypal image of a millstone, the logo of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the inscriptions LATVIJAS PREZIDENTŪRA ES PADOMĒ (Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU) and EU2015.LV above and beneath it respectively.

The inscription DIEVS SVĒTĪ LATVIJU (God Bless Latvia) with words separated by stars; fine milled edge.
Latvia can do it! The most brilliant fulfilment of this encouraging and national self-awareness-raising motto is the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2015 when Latvia continues the work started by Italy and hands the baton over to Luxembourg. The epicentre of the main events taking place during Latvian Presidency, the nucleus of this trio, is the Castle of Light, the new home to the National Library of Latvia with a wonderful architectural character. Position of Latvia in the spotlight of the world community provides a historical opportunity for the country to demonstrate its achievements in various areas and the ability to address complicated tasks in a responsible manner. The heaviness of a rotating millstone accumulates energy that has ensured the basis of existence for Latvians in the form of rye bread loaves, has given them strength to work, and has sparked off jubilance expressed in songs and dances for centuries.