20 рублей Серебреная монета 2007 Беларусь – Алиса в Зазеркалье
20 рублей Серебреная монета
Металл, серебро 925
Диаметр – 38.61 мм
Вес- 28.28 г
Качество UNC
Тираж, шт. 20 000
Выпущенные в 2007 году
Commemorative coin «Through the Looking–Glass, and What Alice Found There»
Obverse: at the top – the relief image of the State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus; in the center – the representation of a boy and a girl against the background of the starry sky, sitting on a swiveled crescent moon and holding an open book; beneath – the year of issue; and circumferential inscriptions: at the top – РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ (THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS), and at the bottom – ДВАЦЦАЦЬ РУБЛЁЎ (TWENTY RUBLES).
Reverse: on the left – the stylized portrait of Alice, the main character of the fairy tale, holding the White Knight in her hands; at the top – the ribbon ornamented with the representations of the fairy tale characters; beneath – the light color amber inset, the egg that turned into Humpty Dumpty; in the center – the chessboard with playing pieces; and on the right – the mirror image of a circumferential inscription: АЛІСА Ў ЗАЛЮСТРОЎІ (THROUGH THE LOOKING–GLASS, AND WHAT ALICE FOUND THERE) which can be red with the help of the looking glass.