Naujienos » Produktai » 2 eurų moneta 2018 Portugalija – – Valstybinės spaustuvės metinės

2 eurų moneta 2018 Portugalija – – Valstybinės spaustuvės metinės


2 eurų moneta UNC
Skersmuo – 25.75mm
Svoris – 8.5gr
Tiražas: 500 000 vienetų
Išleidimo data: 2018


The purpose of this establishment is to animate the letters and to raise a useful impression to the public by their productions“. Thus it was read in the decree of December 24, 1768, written by the Marquis of Pombal and signed by the king D. José, who founded the Royal Printing or Regia Typographic Workshop, later (1833) called the National Press.

From the reign of D. Maria I, the National Press became responsible for the edition of the Gazeta de Lisboa, predecessor of the current Diário da República, the official newspaper of the Country, currently published and made available electronically as a public service of universal access and giving free access to the acts that govern the life of the Portuguese society.

To mark these 250 years of history of the public publishing house, at the service of the citizens, culture and the Portuguese language, a commemorative coin by the designer Eduardo Aires is coined.