Новости » Товары » 2 Евро рулон 2016 Греция – Спиридон Луис

2 Евро рулон 2016 Греция – Спиридон Луис


2 евро ролл x25 монет
Диаметр, мм – 25.75mm
Масса общая, г – 8.5gr
Тираж, шт. 750 000


In a last minute change, Greece changed the theme of the 2-euro commemorative coin for 2015 from «75th Anniversary of the October 28, 1940,» to «75th Anniversary of the death of the Athlete Spiridon Louis «.

Spiridon Louis was a Greek water-carrier who won the first modern-day Olympic marathon at the 1896 Summer Olympics, thereby becoming a national hero. Louis was born in the town of Marousi, which is now a suburb to the north of Athens, into a poor family. Louis’s father sold mineral water in Athens, at the time lacking a central water supply, and his son helped him by transporting it.